Pet Housecalls

7870 Zikes Road South
Bloomington, IN 47401


How is it done?       When it is time to say goodbye to your family dog or cat, there are usually questions about how this will happen.  Dr. Art is calm and reassuring and will strive to make the experience as peaceful and painless as possible.  A sedative/pain reliever shot is usually given to ease the pet into a sleepy state.  This may take 5-15 minutes to take effect, and then the euthanizing injection is given into the bloodstream.  

What do I do with my pet's body?    He or she may be buried or cremated.  If you need assistance in transport, this can also be included.  Options for cremation include Wayport Pet Resort, Allen Funeral Home, and  Bloomington Animal Care and Control (shelter).  

What does it cost?    The fee is $180 in Monroe County.  Cremation fees vary by the provider.  Emergency or special circumstances may increase the fee and will be quoted ahead of time.

Will he come to my area?   Monroe county is the primary service area, but sometimes travel to adjacent cities may be arranged on a case by case basis.